
Gonna explore Gona

One dawn on 8th January 1992 at around 04.00 am, there was a nebulous baby crying voice. The voice came from the maternity home. Go inside the home, the midwife said the baby girl was born. And finally, parents gave that girl named, Eka Gona Putri. Behind the names begins.
Alright, the name that appears in paragraph above is my name. Eka and Putri are common names. But how about Gona, it sounds uncommon right? Let me clear this matter out. First thing that you have to remember is Gona doesn’t mean that it relates to Gonna in English, or my parents expect me to become an expert in English -______-“. Story behind that name happened when my dad dreamt something weird. The detail is like this (jeng jeng:mendramatisir).

My dad who named Zaelani Widarta had a business which runs in oxygen distribution (oxygen for hospital and machine shop only).  Every oxygen tubes have to be painted by the number of this production. But one of the tubes, show the different numbers. It was really shocking him, that’s why he got closer to that tube, to see more clearly (maybe also because his eyes are minus -.-a). After then, he saw a sentence that was my name, Eka Gona Putri.
Eka means one or the first, and then Putri means girl or woman. Those words really matches with my condition at that time which I am the oldest or the first child (daughter) in my family. What about Gona? My parents still don’t know this meaning because they get it from dad’s dream. But they assumed (you may call it as their "alibi" haha) that this is compounding of their nick name which are Gozel and Naf (Zaelani and Nafsiah). Whatever the way they get those words to be my name, I am truly grateful of it and never thought to change my names :).

Time to time they said I have to be independent and good role model for my little brother. They aren't be as strict as when they taught my brother (It's not fair :( ). The more I was getting older, the more I became more mature. I represent my personalities and characters as a Sun Flower. Sun flower is considered as the tallest flower (Fyi it's not Rafflesia Arnoldi). It can’t grow up in the ordinary place. It looks very eye-catchy (color: yellow), also tough (because of the structure which has a strong stem and tall) and it always follows the sun all the time. 
Here I reflect to my recent life, I try to see anything from different perspectives. Because even the worst thing, it must be have a good thing inside. That’s why I love being around many people and getting good influences from them. Also I am as a woman, has to be independent girl, tough outside, cheerful, beautiful and warm-hearted inside like a sun flower. I state that I live for living other people’s life :D.

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